It took our R&D team nearly a year to develop and manufactured a simple device, that allows to work with all LUS ink types. Currently there is no analogs to MikaChip V2.0 on the market. Unlike some emulator boards which require a complex setup, in many cases performed by licensed technician, the MikaChip resetter created for end users, who don’t necessarily have extensive technical knowledge or skills. It was created in the way, that everyone can easily reprogram ink chips without any interruptions in printing job.
In fact, we developed the device and software in response of ink manufacturers and dealer’s needs, who program ink chips in bulk volumes to sell them along with their own ink.

MikaChip V2.0 goes with rewritable ink chips. Basically, you just need to write a provided encrypted file to the ink chips, that will keep ink type, ink level, and expiry date on the same level. The rewritable ink chips should be chosen accordingly to the ink types you have in your printer. By default, 1 set of rewritable ink chips included into MikaChip V2.0 kit.
If you have a few printers with different ink types, for instance you use LUS 120, LUS 200 and LUS 170 ink types, you need to purchase additional sets of rewritable chips for those ink types. The device will remain the same.
MikaChip V2.0 alone can reprogram any types of new Mimaki ink chips - BS4, SB300, SB310, SB410, SB411, LUS170, LUS175, SB54, SB610, CS100, LH100, LUS120, LUS150, LUS200, LUS350, PR100, PR200. Once ink chip is programmed with our resetter it recognized by Mimaki printer.

Ink chips programmed with special software package that also included into the MikaChip V2.0. The software features simple setup and intuitive interface. As developers we tested the software for its functionality and simplicity, took all hard work under the surface and left minimum buttons for user convenience.

Now you can purchase our resetter and rewritable chips and easily reprogram them according to your needs!